Reference material OREAS 50c is a porphyry Au-Cu-Mo-S standard prepared from Au-Cu ore and waste rock samples from a porphyry copper-gold deposit located in central western New South Wales, Australia with the addition of minor Mo concentrate.

Mineralisation in the region is hosted by a sequence of late Ordovician to Early Silurian volcanics, intrusives and sediments that occur within the Bogan Gate Synclinorial Zone of the Lachlan Fold Belt. Copper-gold mineralisation occurs as stockwork quartz veins and disseminations associated with potassic alteration. This alteration is intimately associated spatially and temporally with the small finger-like quartz monzonite porphyries that intrude the Goonumbla Volcanics.

Analyte Certified Value 1SD 95% Confidence Limits Low 95% Confidence Limits High Method
Au, Gold (ppb) 836 28.0 824 847 Pb Fire Assay
Cu, Copper (wt.%) 0.742 0.016 0.735 0.750 4-Acid Digestion
Mo, Molybdenum (ppm) 591 34 574 608 4-Acid Digestion
S, Sulphur (wt.%) 0.944 0.047 0.920 0.968 4-Acid Digestion
Certificate DataPack SDS NRAM (226 KB)

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